Thursday, August 2, 2012

Mutable Morality, Not Subjective Morality. Moral Pluralism, Not Moral Relativism. | Camels With Hammers

Mutable Morality, Not Subjective Morality. Moral Pluralism, Not Moral Relativism. | Camels With Hammers

Covenant morality for humanity- the presumption of humanism

Covenant morality  presumes humanism as the right  kind of morality, It  argues that we all  share responsibility for each other  to some extent, making for our covenantt with each other. With Dr. Paul Kurtz, I urge all to have a planetary ethic, concerned for the  whole of humanity and the  world environment.This morality opposes ethical egoism as  a simplistic view  of our relations towards each other. It values altruism as in our self-interests, never making us slaves of each other, but instead fellow beings.
  It is eclectic , whilst a  utilitarian/consequentialist theory. It entails deontology in  finding rules emanating from consequences, and from consequences also virtues. Whilst  an objective morality,paradoxically it  entails wide -reflective subjectivism.
  It is universal and egalitarian .
 I implore you viewers to  add to it! Let's together explore how morality leads to that more abundant life!
   It opposes divine command theories,particularly the ethics of the revealed religions.